Mission & Vision.
Hillcrest School exists to develop the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical potential of each of its learners by providing an education based on Christian principles in a caring, supportive environment.
The vision of Hillcrest School is one of a holistic development of body, mind and spirit so that each child will grow into a well-balanced adult that will be able to serve God and the community with love, honour and respect.
Hillcrest School Song
There’s a challenge that comes ringing
O’er the hills, across the years,
‘Tis the call for men who will grasp the torch,
From the hands of pioneers
There are deeds of highest daring
In the work that must be done.
So, we give our youth in the cause of truth
That the vict’ry may be won.
Clear before us shines the vision
Straight before us lies the road
We will not faint nor falter
In the path the Master trod
We will keep our name unsullied
And our hearts and conscience pure
And the Hillcrest fame and the Hillcrest name
Shall eternally endure.