Dedicated & Caring Teachers

Close Co-Operation with Parents

High Academic Standard

Adventist Lifestyle

Hillcrest Primary. Since 1950.

From The Principals Desk

Dear Parent

It is a great honour for me to welcome you to Hillcrest School. I trust that our relationship will be a long and happy one.

Situated close to UCT at the foot of Table Mountain, we are held in high esteem by the community. We offer a well-balanced, caring and disciplined education to our learners. At Hillcrest, we encourage learners to excel to their full academic potential and we help them to acquire social confidence and responsibility. We focus on developing Christian faith and good moral characters.

Our small classes allow us to treat each learner as a special individual and we want to give you the assurance that we will support your child in all the Learning Areas, throughout their years here at our school.

Thank you for entrusting your child to our leading and care.

Hillcrest greetings
Ms Ronel Booysen

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